Monday, October 31, 2005

Repainting the kitchen

So my first brainless event occured sometime around week 6. Sean was home and sitting in the kitchen at the computer. I ventured into the kitchen with a hankering for some Meiji Mixed Berry yoghurt beverage. This stuff is incredibley tasty and a little high in calories but I can justify drinking a cup or two for the sake of my increased need for calcium. It's also purple and comes in 1 litre cartons. I had just bought a brand new carton the day before so I was really looking forward to it being very fresh and fruity tasting. So I take the carton out of the fridge open it right up and THEN I shake it. Yup, it went everywhere. All over the counter, walls, garbage can, the wall behind the garbage can, floor and fridge. I was so pissed off I didn't even stop to survey the milky, purple damage I just slammed the friggin' carton down on the counter and stormed off to our bedroom in a flurry of cuss words, waving arms and stomping feet. I jumped into bed, pulled the covers over my head, started crying and wailing questions into the duvet.

"What's wrong with me?", "How can I be such a stupid idiot?", "What was I thinking?", "I WASN'T thinking because I am a STUPID IDIOT!".

Then there's Sean. He was just putzing away at the computer and all of a sudden the kitchen is purple, I'm cursing, screaming and stomping and then under the covers. Needless to say, he was out of his seat pretty damn quick. He cleaned up and then he crawled into bed to console the inconsolable.

We can kind of laugh at it now but I think we were both a little freaked out by my "fit". As it turns out I've had a few crying fits since and it's just torture. For both of us. "Honey, I don't know why I'm crying!" sort of stuff. It's so unpredictable and uncontrollable I'm sure Sean is convinced I'm a ticking time bomb. For Sean's sake and mine I hope I'm out of that phase now.

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